November 10, 2010

miscellaneous things I wanted to tell you

This picture, our first family picture, taken as soon as Trav and I brought JF out of the NICU doors, right after L fell and hit her head, shows what happens when your small children play with your camera.  They smudge the lens.

Now, I have three kids.  Our mini-van is filling up.  This, along with a daughter who changes her own diapers but won't be potty trained, a son with an epi pen, and another son who does physical therapy, makes me feel old.  But not really that old, ya know?  It's so weird to be in this middle place where I have huge responsibilities but still want to stay out late, drinking beer at a bar with some friends.
Second, we haven't used the g tube for feedings for over 48 hours.  This is so exciting for us.  We have finally figured out how to hold JF best and he has finally figured out how to suck a bottle dry.  It's awesome.  Who is this kid?
Today I learned that JF will drink and drink because he can.  The boy took almost 5oz in 3 hours and a bunch oozed out of his g tube site.  It was pretty gross cleaning it all up, but once the access was gone everything was fine again.  So mental note:  8 week olds should not take over 4oz.
We live near a town called Eureka.  L refers to it as "My Reka."  A few days ago she referred to it as "Daddy's Reka."  How cute is that?

Life with JF is not as bad as I thought it would be.  However, life with Ben has been horrible lately.  He's hungry but won't eat anything but pretzels, chicken nuggets, and candy.  He cries a lot.  He also lays down on the floor and has fits.  It stinks.  Fortunately for him, when he's cute he's c.u.t.e!  Especially when he gives kisses to his baby brother - completely unprompted!  awwwww!

Lastly, a huge group of women across the Diocese of Peoria and I have been working our butts off on the upcoming Behold Conference.  If you're a woman you should be there, and you should bring your mom, sister, cousin, friend, child's godmother.  Yes, you should.  It's going to be fabulous.  March 5, 2010 - mark your calendar and start saving up your $35.


  1. Bonnie,

    I love this blog. Especialy because it seems normal and I think that's what you've been hoping for. It's not all about James and how his life will be. We have Bennet throwing fits and being CUTE, Lydia changing her own diapers (this cracks me up) but won't be potty trained and learning that at 8 weeks old you don't give them more than 4oz. That is so amazing that James is taking the bottle so well for the last 48 hours because I know Sunday you were worried he wasn't eating enough. I love the smudged picture and what an adorable smile on James face. The pic with the 3 of them just looks so everyday and precious. I think James is happy to be home too. Love you all. Aunt Nita

  2. Wow! Praise God. I can't believe that James is so big! I can't believe that James is so CUTE! Look at that eye contact. Look at that empty bottle. Go James go!

  3. Litle James is so cute. He is blessed and so are all of you, a living miracle! I pray that he continues to improve day by day, something that can and will happen with God's grace.
    I'm from Malaysia and came across your blog from one of the other blogs I read.
    Will continue to pray and intercede for your family.

    God bless

  4. James is looking great! He looks like such a sweet, happy boy. I can't get over how big Bennet is! :)

  5. Bennett sounds like Aiden at that age! I don't know what we would have done without those giant bags of Tyson chicken nuggets.

    If you want to do a playdate sometime, let us know! Maybe my kids can occupy yours for awhile!

  6. LOVE the pictures. Your children are soooo cute! My heart is so happy reading this today. Praise the Lord for all He has done!!!

  7. James looks really good! I'm glad you guys are home. :-)

  8. James is sooooo cute! I already see so much light in him - over the computer - I can hardly imagine how cute he is in person!

    Try not to stress too much over Bennet's eating - Joan ate basically the same things (but still wouldn't eat chicken nuggets) and she survived and now she eats waaaay better. I'm sure things will work themselves out.

    Man, I'd like to visit "My Reka" one day...

  9. I *love* the picture of James in the swing - the head-on shot. He's looking so big and full! That's awesome about his bottle feedings. I'm tickled for him and for you. I laughed when I read Lydia can change her own diaper. That's quite a skill.

  10. So after all the drama of the past few weeks what it all comes down to right now is that every single one of your kids is doing totally normal things (despite the fact that James still has the tube). James is eating all his food from a bottle, Bennet is eating and acting like a one year old (my granddaughter has meals where she eats 3 bites and others where she does ok, but there are lots of foods she'd eat 3 months ago that she won't touch), and Lydia is not yet ready to be potty trained. It's all a huge responsibility, but praise God, James is eating, Bennet is growing, and Lydia is aware that being dry is more comfortable. Praise God for normal.

  11. Praise the Lord! If it's any consolation, my allergic son won't eat anything but chicken nuggets, pretzels and graham crackers, so that sounds normal to me. :) He's nearly 3 and REFUSES to be potty trained, but doesn't change his own diapers...boy would that be nice! I'm sooo excited to hear about James drinking his bottle! Sounds like you're dealing with almost-normal life with small children and a newborn, with some bumps in the road, but (God willing) you seem to be avoiding the cliffs and huge potholes. Praise the Lord! Thanks so much for the updates and pictures; you've got some cuuuuute kiddos!
