August 28, 2010

daily dose of cute

She's talking about a s'more. 
And yes, she is very dirty from playing outside.


  1. so stinkin' cute. both of them. lydia is so serious about her s'more! and she wants it big, bonnie. don't forget that part. :-)

  2. Bonnie, your kids truly bring a smile to my face :) They are so precious--I love them! Lucky, lucky mommy! :)

  3. I wish we could get Joan and Lydia together to play. I think they'd be hilarious!

  4. oh my goodness, seriously? Lydia's voice is so stinking cute and that Bennet is such a boy - attacking you with cracker-laden lips. I love it!! They are so beautiful Bonnie!! Can't wait to hear about the arrival of your new baby!!!!

    sarah hedman
