March 16, 2009

Babies are expensive

This past week L has had serious diaper rash, which was aggravated by diarrhea. We ended up going to the doctor, who prescribed some yeast infection medication and had me make PICU cream to use instead of Desetin and Butt Paste. But the doctor and trip to the drug store are not the expenses I'm referring to.

Because she's been going through diapers soooo quickly we've been using disposable diapers for the past week. On sale, the cheap brand is still around $11.

We also have been giving L soy milk because as I progress in my pregnancy my milk supply continues to decrease. However, since she's not yet 12 months, and she's not getting enough breast milk, we had to get some formula. Holy cow - talk about highway robbery! With powder formula (has to be soy for her) it costs about $1.30 for each 8oz bottle.

This week has made me really appreciate how much money we've saved by using cloth diapers and nursing L for so long. Wow. Wow. Wow.


  1. We used the target brand formula for Aiden - wayyyy cheaper, and just as good as the expensive stuff. I believe they have a soy formula, too.

  2. I was just going to say the same thing about the Target formula, we had to use it for 4 months with Jonah and I was so glad I'd found out about it! And yes, they do have soy.

  3. You should look into getting signed up for WIC. You can qualify even with a pretty good income. It would help with formula in the event that you have to use it. You can also get other groceries (milk, cereal, etc.) with it. You can probably sign up now even. It would really help offset the costs of the formula.

  4. So, I would check out I don't know how the prices compare for you, but compared to Philadelphia prices, we save money, plus if you spend $50, the shipping is free. We get our deliveries within 2 business days, and I love not lugging it to/from the car. Right now, a pack of luvs diapers is on sale for $7.99 The also have formula and lots of supplies, but I have no idea how formula prices compare.

    If you do order, you can use my code "urbanorg" and get $10 off your first order of $50.

    Hang in there...

  5. Hey... We don't have babies yet, but on this blog I've seen info about great deals on diapers, etc.... check out

  6. Try doing both diapers and formula for two kids and throw in daycare at a thousand dollars a month and you understand why we live check to check. I will say that I am thrilled me kids are off formula!

  7. Yes, honestly that is my favorite thing about cloth. When I go to meijer and walk PAST the diaper aisle and think to myself "well, that's $80 this month that I get to save." :)
