August 8, 2008

New Tennet

We recently had a friend of ours move in to our upstairs apartment. I shall call him MVV. We know him from EC - he was the president of the Newman Center there and, a recent grad, he has taken over my old job and office in Admissions. He's super friendly and laid back and has fairly good taste in music, which is good because last night we could hear it. :)

To live in our house is pretty simple, you help out with a small amount of rent and pay 1/3 of the utilities. And you live by these simple rules:
#1 - No premarital sex in our house.
#2 - No drunken parties in our house. (Alcohol is fine, we just don't want people drunk.)
#3 - If you are going to have a big party just give us a head's up. (Big party means 10 or more people. We'll do the same.)
#4 - Never feel bad about telling us if we're too loud!
#5 - Since the thermostat for the heat is downstairs, let us know if it's too hot or too cold. We're all paying the bills here and everyone should be comfortable. (Though we usually kept the house cool in the winter to save money.)

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