To inquire about availability and fees, and to receive my speaker info sheet please email me at bonniefandel {at} gmail {dot} com.
The Longest Hour - The Story of My Son, a Soon-To-Be Saint, and a Miracle:
With a mother's heart, I share the story of my son James' alleged miraculous rising from the dead and complete healing through the intercession of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen. The 60 minute version includes information on the alleged miracle, canonization process, and Fulton Sheen. A 40 minute presentation is also available and is suitable for junior high classrooms and up.
Fiat - Saying Yes to God in the Every Day
This fifty minute talk uses the Blessed Mother's example and personal stories to illustrate how saying "yes" to God's will in our lives, even in the midst of suffering, will bring joy and peace to our lives.
Fulton Sheen - A Loyal Son of the Church:
This talk covers five ways that Archbishop Sheen lived out his love of Christ while also offering a biographical overview of Sheen's life. This presentation is approximately 40 minutes.
Fulton Sheen for Educators:
Perfect for DREs, homeschoolers, and Catholic school administrators and teachers, in this two-part presentation I partner with Katie Bogner, creator of the Fulton Sheen Curriculum, to discuss Sheen's life and cause for canonization. I share the story of my son's alleged miracle and Katie explains how Sheen's preaching and alleged miracle have become tools for teaching the faith to others.
Liturgical Living for Converts, Reverts, and Overwhelmed Moms:
The Catholic faith is true, beautiful, and kind of quirky but this 40 minute talk walks you through the liturgical year, encouraging individuals and families to add joy, meaning, and a Catholic identity to their days without being overwhelming.
Finding Friends and Building Community:
This workshop works well for those who are looking to form new relationships and build community in their personal lives or through ministry. This 60 minute talk discusses the importance of relationships, gives suggestions for how to form a successful group, and shares wisdom on what works and what doesn't work in building community.
Hear Me Speak:
I have been a guest on Catholic Answers, The Jennifer Fulwiler Show, and the Fountains of Carrots podcast. You can hear me on The Visitation Project, which I co-hosted with Rebecca Frech and Heather Renshaw or watch my Blessed Is She workshop on Building Intentional Community, free to all BIS members and is available for purchase. I did a Google Hangout in Summer 2015 and spoke at the Indy Theology on Tap in Summer 2014. Both those videos can be found below.
Upcoming Events:
March 14, 2019 Women at the Well event at St. Malachy's; Geneseo, IL
March 15, 2019 Ladies of Divine Mercy event at St. Mary's Pine Bluff; Cross Plains, WI
March 27, 2019 St. Matthew's School & Mom's Group; Champaign, IL
July 27, 2019 Magnificat Breakfast; Greensburg, PA
Past Speaking Engagements:
February 14, 2019 St. Jude's Volunteer Luncheon; Peoria, IL
January 25, 2019 Rockford Diocese Respect Life Dinner; Rockford, IL
November 1, 2018 Corpus Christi School; Bloomington, IL
October 27, 2018 DCCW Conference; Champaign, IL
May 18, 2018 Sheen Day at Notre Dame High School; Peoria, IL
March 23, 2018 St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church; St. Anthony, MN
March 19 & 20, 2018 St. Mary's Parish; Mount Carmel, IL
March 8, 2017 Assembly of Catholic Professionals; Austin, TX
May 22, 2015 St. James Coffee Brew-Ha-Ha; Rochester, MN
March 14, 2015 Women's Lenten Retreat: Vancouver, WA
November 18, 2014 Peoria Area Legatus Group; private
November 14, 2014 Holy Spirit Academy Harvest Gala; Rogers, MN
June 25, 2014 Theology on Tap; Indianapolis, INSeptember 21, 2012 Catholic Press Association Midwest Regional Conference; Peoria, IL
March 25, 2012 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception; Springfield, IL